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DreamCatcher Productions are a non-profit community interest organisation working within Sussex and Surrey. We work with young people, offering them unique opportunities; inspiring them through music and performance.

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© Copyright Dreamcatcher Productions

All information and images used in this site are subject to copyright laws. All materials are owned by DreamCatcher Productions and or its working partners.


Junior DJ Project


The Junior DJ Project is a youth project we have opened up for children aged 6 - 12 years old to learn to mix and develop life skills through music.

Young Talent


We host regular events and open up our stage to local talent including dance schools offering them the chance to perform in a proffesional enviroment and showcase themeselves.



Our organisation is run by a group of dedicated and passionate volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to get involved with the community and we support our team to get the best from their experience with us.

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