How do we get involved?
Performers can get in touch via email: or complete the form on our website.
What type of performers are you looking for?
All performers between the age of 5-18 are welcome. We are looking for dance schools, theatre groups, performing arts schools, choirs etc. If you are unsure, please email us.
How much material do we need to provide?
We are expecting approx. 30 minutes material to be provided by each group participating which will need to consist of 5–10-minute sections that will be staggered throughout the event.
How many children can one group bring?
We have no limit on the group size, but it must be reasonable to the amount of stage space and not exceed the maximum limit of your available supervision.
Do performers need tickets?
No, performers will be provided with a performer pass which will act as their admission to the event.
Do performers need to be licensed?
Yes, all children taking part in the event will need to be licensed through West Sussex County Council. DreamCatcher Productions hold a Body Of Persons Certificate meaning we are only required to provide the local authority some basic details. We will take care of all the licensing.
Are licensed chaperones required?
Yes. As this is a licensed performance, all children must be supervised under the same children employment laws that apply to other theatrical performances. You must provide adequate licensed chaperones based on the number of children and ages you are entering into the event.
Can a parent act as a chaperone?
Unless they hold a license issued by their local authority, a parent can only chaperone their own child. Unlicensed chaperones that are not able to provide a DBS check will not be allowed backstage.
Do chaperones need tickets?
No, chaperones will be provided with a performer pass which will act as their admission to the event. This will be based on the number of children attending from your group.
Will dressing rooms be available?
There are no dressing room facilities, however a reasonable backstage area is available for costume changes etc. All performers should wear a base layer so there is no actual undressing.
What is the dimensions of the stage?
The stage space measures approx. 12m wide and 7.5m deep. This is equivalent to some of the stages ’we’ve previously used in theatres.
Will there be a rehearsal?
Due to the nature of the event, there will not be a rehearsal. You can discuss all your needs with the stage manager prior to performing.
What technical facilities are provided?
Our PA system which will consist of 4x wireless handheld microphones which can be on or off stands. Due to the event taking place during the day, lighting will be generic at the back of the stage with colour mixing to match your theme. Stage effects will include haze, smoke and bubbles.
What format should our music be in?
Media for your performance should be provided in advance by email in MP3 format, with a backup copy on memory stick on the day.
Can we bring props and costumes?
Absolutely, its your show! Please bear in mind there is no actual dressing room facilities, but a reasonable backstage area is available for costume changes etc. All performers should wear a base layer so there is no actual undressing. Props must be removed for the stage area after your performance.
What time should we arrive?
Group leaders are welcome to arrive from 10:30am to set up, however performers should not arrive until the event opens at 12:00. Group leaders should use their discretion as to what time they want their group to congregate before their performance.