We are a not for profit organisation and receive no Government grants, therefore we have to generate our own funds to keep all of our projects running and follow our organisations mission statement to support the arts and inspire young people through music and entertainment.
Originally DreamCatcher Productions was set-up under funding from the West Sussex Youth Opportunities Fund, and West Sussex Youth Forum.
Following on from the success of our work within the community we were further granted money from the YOFSCAR Awards. After the closure of this program; the remaining funds from previous grants was used to generate our own income to continue our work.

DreamCatcher Productions is run by a management committee who are all volunteers and receive no financial gain from the organisation, they are all involved because they have a passion for what the organisation stands for and want to help it follow its aims and achieve the best for the community and the young people.
Decisions on how the organisations funds are spent is down to the management committee with support and suggestions from volunteers, performers, young people and the general public.

DreamCatcher Productions now generates our own funding through the following ways:
Ticket Sales – We hold at least two main theatre events per year where local dance schools take part to showcase their work. This is a charged event which covers the cost of the theatre hire and other fees involved in putting on the production with any excess being put into the community development pot allowing us to continue and improve similar activities.
Public Services – DreamCatcher Productions offer various services to the events industry including Mobile Discos, Equipment Hire, Event Support, Management and Staffing etc. These services are charged at a standard rate to clients with the profits being used to cover the organisations overheads including; the maintenance of assets, advertising and marketing, volunteer training, uniform, expenses (We have an adopted Expenses Policy to ensure fair expense claims) and develop new and exciting projects.
Generous Donations – From time to time we receive donations from the general public and local supporters. Some local companies and organisations who have a similar aims and mission statements to ours are offered our services on a minimum donation bases, meaning our organisations expenses for delivering the service are covered and anything additional is a bonus. This money is put into DreamCatcher Productions development fund, this fund is used to develop the organisation in various ways which would help better the ways we support our aims and mission statement.
Junior DJ Project – The Junior DJ Project is a chargeable opportunity for young people who want to learn to DJ. More information can be found on the ‘Junior DJ Project’ page of our Website. The weekly fee paid by parents is used for the continuous running of the project including hire of venue and resources for the children to enhance their learning experience. Excess money received is used to further develop the project, cover any shortfalls, and make the opportunity accessible to those who would not usually be able to afford it.
One-off grants – Occasionally we will receive one-off grants, usually these are something we have applied for, for a specific project. For example recently we have been awarded money from the Longley Trust which was used the kick start the ‘Junior DJ Project’ and continue delivery of this program.